Tips for a good exercise routine

Tips for a good exercise routine

Apply treatments with cold or heat in the areas you will be exercising. If your joints are hot, red or swollen, use ice before starting your exercise routine. If your joints have pain and stiffness, but they are not warm or swollen, use heat on the affected joints before starting the exercise. The heat relaxes joints and muscles and helps relieve pain. In some people, cold also reduces pain and inflammation.

There are several ways to apply cold or heat. Some of the methods you may want to try are:

  • Take a warm shower (not too hot) before exercising;
  • Apply a warm compress or bag or a heat lamp to the sore and inflamed area;
  • Sit in a whirlpool bath with warm water;
  • Wrap a bag of ice or frozen vegetables in a towel and place it in the painful area.

You can also buy in a pharmacy bags filled with a gelatinous material, which are very practical and can remain in the freezer for frequent use.Be sure to apply heat or cold correctly. Heat treatments should be comforting and comfortable, not too hot. Apply heat for about 20 minutes and each time you use cold therapy, do it for 10 to 15 minutes.


Whether you are doing range-of-motion, endurance or strengthening exercises, it is important that you devote 5 to 15 minutes of warm-up movements before exercising. This will reduce the possibility of incurring an injury by helping your body prepare to do the exercises.

To begin your warm-up routine, walk slowly or do a slower version of the exercises you plan to do and then slowly stretch. Try to follow fitness quotes that can able to guide you properly. To reach a beneficial stretch of the muscles and tissues located around the joints, move each joint to the limit of the range of movement of the joint, hold this position for about five seconds and rest. Stretching should NOT cause pain, just do each movement until you feel a slight stretch and hold it at that point.

Wear comfortable clothing and footwear

Your clothing should be loose and comfortable so that it facilitates movement. Wearing several layers of clothing will help you adapt to changes in temperature and changes in the level of each activity. Your shoes should provide good support and the soles should be non-slip material and shock absorber. It could also help you to use templates that cushion the blows.

Drink enough fluids

It is very important to hydrate before starting your exercise routine and continue the hydration process after you have finished them. Be sure to drink the recommended amount of eight glasses with eight ounces water each during the course of a day. It is advisable to have a bottle of water or a sports drink on handwhile exercising. Great weight loss quotes will inspire you to drink more and relieve you from being fat.

Do not do many exercises too fast

Starting an exercise program should be a gradual process that lasts for several weeks or longer. Mild muscle pain may occur 12 to 24 hours after exercise. On the other hand, if you have more joint-pain that continues after two hours of completing the exercise, it means that you possibly overstepped and you should decline the amount of reappearance or its force a bit for the next time.


Maintain a homely environment

Exercising regularly will help you keepyour body young and fit for many years.To do that habitually, you need to have a calm environment. For that, you can use wallpapers with fitness quotes at home particularly in your exercise room or area which are very practical and effective for doing exercise. It will help you to be motivated constantly.

Take your time

Perform your exercises at a comfortable and uniform pace that allows you to talk with another person without running out of breath. At this rate, the muscles will have time to relax between each repetition. For exercises of the amplitude of movement and of flexibility, it is better to do each exercise in a slow and complete way instead of doing many repetitions at a fast pace. Little by little, you can increase the number of repetitions as your physical condition improves.

Breathe while doing the exercises

Do not hold your breath. You must exhale the air from the lungs while doing the exercise, and you must inhale (take a breath) while relaxing between repetitions. Counting aloud during exercise will help you breathe deeply and regularly.

Watch for “warning signs”

Stop the exercise if you experience a sharp pain or a more intense pain than normal. The presence of pain is a sign that something negative could be happening. Similarly, stop exercising immediately if you feel tightness in your chest or severe loss of breath, are dizzy, languid, or nauseated. Contact your doctor right awayif this sort of symptoms appear.

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